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South Bay Detention Facility (SBDF) – San Diego Co. basic information to help guide you through what you can do for your inmate while they are incarcerated. The facility's direct contact number: 619-213-1433
This facility is for adult inmates.
The South Bay Detention Facility (SBDF) – San Diego Co. is a medium-security detention center located at 500 3rd Ave Chula Vista, CA which is operated locally by the San Diego County Sheriff's Office and holds inmates awaiting trial or sentencing or both. Most of the sentenced inmates are here for less than two years. San Diego County accepts inmates from surrounding towns, municipalities, the US Marshal's Service and the Chula Vista Police Department who do not have their own long-term lock-up.
- San Diego County – South Bay Detention Facility(SBDF) – Inmate Rules
- San Diego County – South Bay Detention Facility(EMRF) – Inmate Programs
Having a friend or family member booked into jail can create confusion and uncertainty, both for the inmate and the loved ones involved. You may have questions about mail, phone calls, visiting, health care, and more. You may find it difficult to contact the person who was arrested for some time after booking, and the nature of the jail system may make it difficult for you to acquire the information you need concerning the arrest.
Located in the City of Chula Vista, the South Bay Detention Facility (SBDF) is situated four stories beneath the South Bay Regional Justice Center and opened for service to the community in 1982. It is a non-booking facility consisting of two detention levels.
SBDF provides a wide range of services to assist inmates in preparation to rejoin society as productive, law-abiding citizens. A full-time counselor is staffed to address individual needs and coordinate recovery programs for the inmates to attend. Inmates are encouraged to attend Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings conducted by certified instructors who come in and provide bilingual services. Church services and bible study are also provided to the inmates in both Spanish and English.
The Sheriff’s Department’s Reentry Services Division seeks to enhance the welfare of inmates through a number of programs. Programs vary between facilities, and eligibility may be limited to certain security classifications. Correctional counselors meet with inmates and perform risk and needs assessments to assist in reentry planning to support the inmates' future success and reduce the likelihood of recidivism. Programs offered by the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department include:
- Psycho-Social Programs – Inmates are offered ongoing classes to promote cognitive self-change through evidenced based programs. Classes include but are not limited to Thinking for a Change, Successful Reentry Class, Parenting, Substance Abuse, Anti-Theft, Anger Management, Healthy Relationships, Self Help, Reading Legacies, Project In Reach, PRO Mentors and Life Skills.
- Educational Services – In collaboration with Grossmont High School District, inmates may receive courses in the High School Equivalency Exam, Adult Basic Education, and Computer Literacy.
- Vocational Education – Inmates learn valuable skills and may receive certifications, preparing them for employment opportunities in the community. Vocational opportunities include Culinary Arts, Food Handler's, Serv Safe, Commercial Laundry, Janitorial Trades, Print Shop Trades, Production Sewing, Landscape Maintenance, Employment for Life, Construction Trades and CIVIC'S Landscape.
- Wellness – Provides inmates with an opportunity to work on building and maintaining healthy lifestyles through wellness education. Classes include but are not limited to Stress Management, Meditation, Healthy Living, Financial Planning, Yoga, Jail Guitar Doors, HIV Awareness and ACA/Medi-Cal Enrollment.
- Incentive Based Housing – Is a specialized housing area offering inmates an opportunity to participate in a therapeutic community focused on evidenced based programming and accountability to change criminal behavior.
- Veterans Moving Forward – In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the veterans module is dedicated to assisting our incarcerated veterans by providing them the necessary in custody programs, services and community resources to reduce their rate of recidivism.
- Religious Services – In partnership with community volunteers, multi-denominational worship services and Bible studies are offered. Inmates may also receive visits from Clergy members.
- Pro Per Services – Inmates who represent themselves in court proceedings receive support in the form of the Legal Research Area, telephones, supplies, and limited office work (e.g., photocopying)
- Work Release and County Parole — Opportunities exist for low-risk inmates to meet their legal obligations while continuing to work in the community.
Qualified inmates may register to vote while in custody. Inmates who are registered voters and who request to exercise their voting privileges on an election day will be assisted by a facility staff member in obtaining an absentee ballot and lawfully delivering it to a voting poll.
County Parole is an early release program intended for low risk offenders. Inmates with extensive criminal histories, violent offenses, sexual offenses, or behavioral problems while in custody are considered poor candidates. Inmates may apply after they are sentenced to local custody, but will not be eligible for parole consideration until they have served half of their sentence. Inmates who wish to apply must notify their facility Correctional Counselor in writing.
Inmates should have post-release plans in place that they can present to the Parole Board members. These plans include housing, educational or rehabilitative programs, employment, etc. Those granted parole will be supervised and required to abide by all conditions and rules imposed by the County Parole Board.
Inmates have the opportunity to visit recreation areas at least twice weekly, for a minimum total of three hours. These areas provide space for exercise and recreation not available in their regular housing units. Under normal conditions, inmates are provided access to televisions, board games, and playing cards in their housing units.
Reading materials, including books and newspapers, are available to inmates in all detention facilities. A variety of materials including religious, educational and recreational reading materials are made available. Inmates may also have books, newspapers, and periodicals sent to them per the guidelines regarding mail.
Legal reference materials are available by request through an off-site contract provider.
visitation Info
San Diego County – South Bay Detention Facility(SBDF) – Visitation
https://www.sdsheriff.net/detentionfacilities/visit_sbdf.html – for unit times
Required Identification
Only those visitors with the following types of valid photo identification shall be allowed to visit inmates in the custody of the Sheriff:
- Driver’s license
- Federal, state, local government identification card (any state)
- Military identification
- Passport
- U.S. Immigration identification (including visas)
- Border crossing card issued by the United States Department of Justice
- Current high school identification for children who do not possess a current California driver’s license or California I.D. card
- Matricula Consular ID card issued after April 22, 2002 by the Consul General of Mexico
A maximum of 3 visitors (including children) may visit an inmate at any one time. Minors must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.
Visit Reservations
Same day visits (up to two hours prior) and next day visits may be made online or by telephone. Access the San Diego Sheriff’s eVisit through “Who’s in Jail” or call the telephone number listed on the facility visit page above. Note: East Mesa Reentry Facility and Facility 8 Detention Facility do not allow same day visits.
Additional visitors can only be added at the time of arrival. Visits will not be scheduled if the inmate has been previously scheduled for court on the same date.
When preparing to schedule a visit, please have the following information ready for all visitors.
- Full name
- Identification number
- Date of birth
- Current home address
- Telephone number
- Relationship to the inmate
While we attempt to honor all visit reservations, visits may be changed or cancelled without notice. Also, changes in the inmate’s housing assignment may automatically cancel a scheduled visit.
General Rules for Visiting Inmates
All visitors must check in together one hour before the scheduled visit and are required to present valid photo identification. If a visitor is late, the visit may be cancelled.
Walk-in visitors will be accepted, on a space available basis, as long as the visitors check in one hour before the visit time. Due to security reasons, East Mesa Reentry Facility and Facility 8 Detention Facility do not accept walk-in visitors.
Cancellations must be made in person at any of the Sheriff’s detention facilities with valid photo identification.
Inmates have the right to refuse visits at any time.
There is no expectation of privacy in a jail facility. Social visits may be monitored or recorded.
Visitors that have been incarcerated within the past 90 days shall not be permitted to visit without Watch Commander consent.
If you have previously been convicted of a felony and served time in state prison, you may not enter the grounds of a county jail without the permission of the Facility Commander. That permission should be obtained in writing before attempting to schedule a visit. Entry to the facility grounds without such permission is a felony (California Penal Code §4571).
Rules for Las Colinas Detention & Reentry Facility
Due to the privilege of having contact visits at this facility, the following additional visit regulations must be observed:
- Nothing is to be brought into the facility except identification and car keys. If visitors would like to purchase vending items during the visit, a VISA type credit card is required and may also be brought into the visit area.
- The following items are specifically prohibited: purses or bags, diaper bags, wallets, cell phones, recording devices, toys, food or beverages, pets, firearms, knives, or other weapons, drugs or alcohol, cigarettes/electronic cigarettes, and lighters (exceptions regarding a diaper and formula may be permitted upon approval).
- Physical contact during visits is limited and hands must remain visible at all times (refer to security staff at the facility for specific contact regulations).
Rules for Facility 8
As of April 9, 2015, Facility 8 has been offering video social visitation for all of its housing units. Visitors have the option of conducting their visits from a terminal at the Las Colinas Detention & Reentry Facility in Santee or by using a home-user option offered by Securus. Fees apply for home-video visitation. Video visits are 30 minutes in length.
Hospital Visits
Occasionally, inmates may be admitted to hospitals for medical treatment. Special visits may be allowed for hospitalized inmates who are considered to be in grave condition. These special visits require the approval of the watch commander. Persons wishing to visit a hospitalized inmate must check at the appropriate facility and register for the visit. The watch commander will be consulted concerning the inmate’s suitability to have visitors. If the visit is approved, a visit pass will be issued, which can be taken to the hospital and presented to the assigned Deputy or Guard. In addition to normal visiting guidelines, the following rules apply to visits occurring in hospitals:
- All visits must conform to the hospital’s regular visiting hours and policies
- Only two visitors are allowed at a hospital visit for a duration of 30 minutes.
- Two visits per week are allowed, Sunday through Saturday.
- Inmates cannot receive items of any type from social visitors.
- Any deviation from the above rules requires Watch Commander approval.
Visits for inmates admitted to the Tri-City Medical Center Hospital Guard Unit are subject to approval of the watch commander at the Vista Detention Facility.
Media Access to Persons in Custody
News media representatives have no greater right of access to detention facilities or inmates, than any other member of the public. A visit by news media personnel shall be considered a social visit, not a professional visit. The Public Affairs/Media Relations office does not process requests for interviews.
- Visit the “Who’s in Jail” page of the Sheriff’s Department website.
- Search the inmate’s last and first name.
- A new page will open if the person is in the custody of the Sheriff’s Dept.
- Note the facility and housing area location of the inmate. That location will determine which days and times social visiting is permitted. Click
“Visit Schedule”
immediately under the inmate’s housing location, and you will be taken to the visit schedule for that facility. - You may go to the facility and attempt the visit, however you may wish to correspond with the inmate first to be more certain the interview will be accepted by the inmate.
- To correspond with the inmate, click the
“Email this inmate”
icon on the inmate’s page in “Who’s in Jail” and follow all the directions to complete the message. - If the inmate opts to accept the visit, that visit shall be counted as a social visit for that day, just like any other social visit.
- With the inmate’s permission, the visit may be tape recorded or videotaped from the public access portion of the visit area.
- Inmates have two social visits per week. To find out if an inmate has available social visits for the week, please contact the Detentions Information Office of the Detention Facility.
When conducting an inmate visit for media purposes, please observe the following:
- You will generally have 30 minutes with the inmate.
- While interviewing the inmate, please make sure other inmates are NOT included in the videos or photographs.
- At most facilities, your interview will be through a visit window. You will not have face-to-face access and will be unable to equip the inmate with a microphone.
- Once you have scheduled a visit and the inmate has accepted your visit, call the detention facility to inform the watch commander that you are arriving with TV equipment which will be subject to search upon your arrival.